A few paralympic champions were disqualified in the past on the ground that the famous Olympic rings they had tattooed on their bodies could be seen during the competitions and this was forbidden by the rule set out by the International Paralympic Committee. The Olympic rings have been registered as trademarks in many countries and generate substantial revenue, and the rule … Continue Reading
As trademark owners it is vital to not only use your registered trademark in a serious and thus rights-preserving manner, but also continuously take care to obtain and secure evidence of a rights-preserving use. Proof of use can become significant at various stages in the life cycle of a trademark. Focusing on revocation actions by … Continue Reading
The opportunity to compete at the Olympic Games represents one of the most honorable achievements of any athlete’s career. And while Olympians may have always been trailblazers in the world of sports, today’s competitors are more than just athletes – they are brand ambassadors, marketing representatives, and social media influencers. While an athlete’s ability to … Continue Reading
For every successful brand, it is critical to properly protect and to productively develop and use the underlying intellectual property (IP) in that brand to ensure its long-term growth.… Continue Reading
The EU is at the forefront of the commitment to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology. In 2020, the European Commission published a white paper on AI and stated therein the urgency to address the challenges of complexity, unpredictability, and autonomous behaviour of certain … Continue Reading
As the global economy continues to integrate, companies are wrestling with how to manage innovations across borders. Given that most patentable inventions are developed in-house, can a global invention policy help attract and keep the most innovative employees? Are assignment agreements with employees appropriate regardless of where the innovation originates? Join our panelists Catherine Muyl, … Continue Reading
Non-French companies need to pay attention to the French Payment Terms Regulations when paying (or being paid by) any French company. On December 2, 2021, the French regulator in charge of investigating and sanctioning noncompliance with the French payment terms regulation, the “DGCCRF,” published a “Review of the sanctions taken by the DGCCRF in the … Continue Reading
The Paris Court of Appeal confirmed a previous decision that found Jeff Koons guilty of copyright infringement for one of his “Banality” sculptures. The Paris Court of Appeal even increased the amount of damages and costs that were initially awarded in the first instance. Beyond the fact that, fortunately, it is quite rare that a … Continue Reading
We are delighted to share an interesting article by our colleagues in France, Catherine Muyl and Marion Cavalier, about whether and how a common word in a regional dialect can qualify as a trademark in France. They describe a case where a company named Krampouz that makes plates for cooking crepes registered the marks “KRAMPOUZ” … Continue Reading
Decree No. 2058-1057 of November 29 2018 on foreign investments subject to prior approval France, who in recent years has been relatively open to overseas investors, has extended its control over foreign investment into certain ‘sensitive’ industries, particularly the IT, cybersecurity, communication and technology sectors.… Continue Reading