Life Sciences Biotech Pharma

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Theft and Conversion as the Basis for a Violation of Section 337

For the first time, the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) has set forth and applied its legal standard for a theft or conversion claim in a Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 investigation. Section 337 gives the ITC broad powers to investigate and address unfair acts in the importation of articles into the … Continue Reading

Part III: You’ve Got Patents! Or Someone Else Does… Where Can You Find Resolution?

As noted in Part I of this series, patent litigation can be a mechanism for parties to spar and evaluate patent rights, as well as each other, prior to making the business agreements that settle such disputes. Once a patent is asserted to be infringed with the filing of a lawsuit, the dispute can become … Continue Reading

Part II: You’ve Got Patents! Or Someone Else Does… What are the Opportunities for Settlement Once They’re Asserted?

As noted in our related blog, only a small percentage of issued patents are ever asserted to be infringed with the filing of a lawsuit, even when infringed. Why? Because patent litigation is notoriously expensive and it’s risky for patent owners, as patent challengers more-often-than-not win and can invalidate the patent claims. Despite the costs … Continue Reading

Part I: You’ve Got Patents! Or Someone Else Does… What Happens When They’re Asserted?

The number of patents issuing each year has increased dramatically since the Patent Act of 1952 codified US patent law — from fewer than 50,000 patents issued per year to around 350,000 patents issued per year for the last decade. Yet over the last decade, the number of patent litigations filed has fallen to fewer … Continue Reading

The Potential Mushroom Effect of the USPTO’s Mushrooming Patent Application Fees

The United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) recently proposed patent fee increases could have far-ranging consequences for applicants looking to build a patent family from a single patent application. In this first of a series of blogs, we will discuss the potential consequences of the USPTO’s proposed fee increases for continuing applications, including continuation, … Continue Reading

A Win for Skinny Labels; Insights for Enforcing Use Patents

Most drugs are covered by multiple patents, with initial patents directed broadly to the compound and later patents directed to increasingly narrower uses of the compound. This provides opportunities for the compound to be approved as a generic drug before expiration of all of the patents, based on a “skinny” label – i.e., a label … Continue Reading

At 40 Years Old, the Orange Book Gets a Fresh Look as FDA Seeks Comments on Patent Listability

Back in June, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “as part of an Agency-wide effort to modernize the Orange Book,” published a request for comments relating to patent listing. Apparently prompting this request was FDA’s recognition that New Drug Application Sponsors have “submitted patents for listing in the Orange Book, including certain types … Continue Reading

Feel Like DOE is Having a Rebirth in Life Science Cases? You’re Not Alone

On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari from the Federal Circuit’s 2019 Eli Lilly & Co. v. Hospira, Inc. opinion affirming infringement under the doctrine of equivalents (DOE). In doing so, the Supreme Court put to rest a more than decade-long dispute over attempts to market a generic version of … Continue Reading

Even If the Federal Circuit Could Award Attorney Fees for IPR Appeals, § 285 Does Not Permit It to Award Fees Incurred During the IPR

Normally, a branded bio/pharm company is pleased to escape an inter partes review (IPR) unscathed. Doubly so when the challenger moves voluntarily to dismiss its appeal. So what happened in Amneal Pharms. LLC v. Almirall, LLC, No. 20-1106, to cause Almirall to insist on receiving its attorney fees for a mere month of work before … Continue Reading

May Issue of Bio/Pharma Beat Now Available

Our monthly newsletter reports on the patent law developments in biotech, biologics and pharmaceutical cases, legislation and federal agency actions. This month’s issue covers relevant news from April 2020, including: The Federal Circuit potentially extends the potential reach chemical compound structural similarity obviousness law The Federal Circuit holds that a section 156 patent term extension … Continue Reading

COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program

On May 8, 2020, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) began a Pilot Program to provide prioritized examination of patent applications of a product or process related to COVID-19 diagnosis or treatment. Examples of such patents include: an Investigational New Drug (IND) application, an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), a New Drug Application (NDA), … Continue Reading

April Issue of Bio/Pharma Beat Now Available!

Our monthly newsletter reports on the patent law developments in biotech, biologics and pharmaceutical cases, legislation and federal agency actions. This month’s issue covers relevant news from March 2020, including: The Federal Circuit reverses two district court decisions holding method of treatment and method of preparing claims patent ineligible The Federal Circuit finds that clearly … Continue Reading

January Issue of Bio Pharma Beat Now Available

Our monthly newsletter reports on the patent law developments in biotech, biologics and pharmaceutical cases, legislation and federal agency actions. This month’s issue covers relevant news from December 2019, including: The Solicitor General, on behalf of the US, asserts that the Supreme Court’s Section 101 precedent creates “substantial uncertainty” requiring clarification The Federal Circuit holds that there … Continue Reading

December Issue of the Bio/Pharma Beat is Now Available!

Our monthly newsletter reports on the patent law developments in biotech, biologics and pharmaceutical cases, legislation and federal agency actions. This month’s issue covers relevant news from November 2019, including: Federal Circuit affirms the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s (“PTAB”)’s application of the “blocking patent” doctrine as applied to objective indicia of non-obviousness District court … Continue Reading

Bio/Pharma Newsletter

The November issue of Squire Patton Boggs Bio/Pharma Beat is now available. Our monthly newsletter reports on important patent law developments in biotech, biologics and pharmaceutical cases, legislation and federal agency actions. This month’s issue covers relevant news from October 2019, including: The Federal Circuit holds the “hope” that a potentially promising drug will treat a … Continue Reading