Please click here to read the latest data privacy alert from the Squire Patton Boggs Data Protection and Cyber Security team. This week’s alert covers news from the EU, Germany, Spain, the UK and the US.
- European Commission Issues Q&A Guidance on Transatlantic Data Transfers Following the Schrems Ruling
- BSA Issues White Paper on Big Data
- Documentary on European Data Protection in German Cinemas
- German Data Protection Officers Call for Sound Data Protection Directive in the Area of Justice and Home Affairs
- Spanish Data Protection Authority Clarifies Requirements for Cross-border Transfer to Safe Harbor US entities
- Information Commissioner’s Office Fines Company £120,000 for Making Automated, Unsolicited Marketing Calls
- Financial Conduct Authority Consults on Outsourcing to the Cloud
- Ninth Circuit Holds That the EEOC Has Broad Access to Personal Information Including Social Security Numbers
For more information on any of these items, or data privacy issues generally, please feel free to call any of the following individuals: