It is almost that time of year again.  May 10-14, 2014 mark the dates for the 136th Annual Meeting hosted by the International Trademark Association (INTA).  The INTA Annual Meeting provides valuable educational sessions for trademark attorneys to learn about and discuss new developments in protecting and advancing brands.  In addition, as any past attendee is well aware, this setting provides a great opportunity to network with trademark attorneys, trademark professionals, and government officials from around the world. In fact, according to many participants, having the chance to meet and network with colleagues and associates at the many social events hosted around the local city is one of the greatest benefits of attendance.

The Annual Meeting is held every year in a different location, in countries throughout the world.  This year’s Meeting will be held in Hong Kong SAR, China.  Those planning ahead may be interested to know that future meetings will be held in San Diego, California, USA (2015), Orlando, Florida, USA (2016), Los Angeles, California, USA (2017), Vienna, Austria (2018), Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2019), Seattle, Washington, USA (2020), San Francisco, California, USA (2021), Toronto, Canada (2022), and Washington, DC, USA (2023).

The following Squire Sanders trademark practitioners, from our offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia will be in attendance: Philip Zender, Caroline Mead, Iliana HaleenShigeru Miki, and Olga Bezrukova.