Janice Rice

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WEBINAR: How to Make the Best Out of Your Employees Inventions – Applicable Rules and Best Practices for Global Companies

As the global economy continues to integrate, companies are wrestling with how to manage innovations across borders. Given that most patentable inventions are developed in-house, can a global invention policy help attract and keep the most innovative employees? Are assignment agreements with employees appropriate regardless of where the innovation originates? Join our panelists Catherine Muyl, … Continue Reading

Preparing for IP Diligence: Ensuring Proper Inventorship and Ownership of Patents

The best preparation for diligence begins well in advance of any discussions with companies interested in investing in or purchasing assets of the innovating company. Ideally, the innovating company should implement policies and practices from day one of the company to help avoid problems that will inexorably come to light under the scrutiny of diligence. … Continue Reading

PRIOR ART SEARCHING BEFORE PATENT FILING CAN SAVE BOTH TIME AND MONEY – Judicious Budgeting Decisions for Patent Portfolio Owners

Since US patent law switched from a first-to-invent­ to first-to-file system, some patent applicants have been racing to the PTO, concerned that a competitor might first file an application potentially covering the same invention. In their haste, these patent applicants may file quickly-prepared provisional applications that adequately describe the invention but that fail to articulate … Continue Reading

When Does a Suggestion Become an Invention?

This is a question that every patent attorney faces during their career.  Who contributed to the invention covering a product can become contentious, particularly in the pharmaceutical context where successes are few and far between.  The Federal Circuit addressed the issue of when a suggestion amounts to a contribution to conception of an invention in … Continue Reading