We previously reported on the pending reforms to the trade mark regime across Europe.  A number of reforms to the Community Trade Mark system will be effective on 23 March 2016 when the new EU Trade Mark Regulation comes into force.  Squire Patton Boggs partner Deborah Lodge (DC) will be speaking in an upcoming Strafford live webinar, “Protecting IP Rights in Europe: Deciphering and Maximizing Key Benefits of the European Trademark Reforms” scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST.

The panel will provide guidance on the EU’s new trademark law and the key changes from the previous system. The panel will offer strategies for working under the new system and using the new law to secure and protect IP rights.

The presentations will be followed by a live question and answer session with participants to discuss audience questions about these important issues.

Our readers can use the link here to receive 50% off of the webinar registration.  This webinar is eligible for at least 1.5 general CLE credit by Strafford, an approved provider.