Please click here to read the latest data privacy alert from the Squire Patton Boggs Data Protection and Cybersecurity team. This week’s alert covers news from Australia, Chile, the EU, Germany, Poland, Switzerland and the UK.
- Mandatory Data Breach Notification Scheme Proposed
- Digital Agenda 2020 Prioritises Data Protection
- European Data Protection Supervisor Publishes Opinion
on Big Data - EDPS Call for Expression of Interest for New Advisory Group
- Privacy Commissioner of Niedersachsen Presents Activity Report
- Federal Chamber of Lawyers Considers Data Retention Non-Constitutional
- Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner Criticises Social Security Offices for Privacy Breaches
- Statement on Safe Harbor Issued
- Swiss Federal Council Appoints new Officer for Data Protection
- Joint Action Plan for Tackling Nuisance Calls
- ICO Warning on Marketing Calls
- Call for Evidence on Draft Investigatory Powers Bill
- Review of Consumer Law in Cloud Storage Launched
For more information on any of these items, or data privacy issues generally, please feel free to call any of the following individuals: